For Pole Dance Classes, we request each NEW student to come once to the trial class before signing up for any other level.
If you never tried this sport before, you will learn there all the basic, that you will need to follow any beginner class afterwards.
If you already tried Pole Dancing somewhere else, we will refresh with you the basics needed in our studio and check your level in order to get you into a group of similar level.
The classes are appearing in your USC App 14 days before the class starts.
We are a small studio with a limited amount of space per class.
The Pole Dance trial class is happening each Tuesday alternating locations and every second Wednesday in Orlando's Dance Studio.
Most people book the trial class directly through the booking tool on this website, which may fill classes 1-2 months in advance.
Not at all! Anybody can start, even if you haven’t done any sports for the last few years or if you think you are a bit too heavy for your well-being.
In fact, extra curves are protecting your bones from banging against the pole and provide extra grip in lots of beginner moves.
Those extra curves will melt over time, if you train regularly for some months with us.
Not overnight, I'm sorry, nothing comes in one day but you can already see changes in the 3rd or 4th training month.
We also offer intensive private coaching, for those who need to change shape very urgently.
People with extra curves might have some difficulties in the beginning with achieving figures but you can spend more time on level 1 and 2 where we barely leave the floor. If you combine Pole Fit lessons and Pole Dance, you will start losing weight and gaining muscles and strength, which will help you to start more acrobatic figures.
For most classes a very normal sport outfit: shorts, top & (anti-slip) socks.
As you will level up, your shorts might get shorter, your tops sexier but it's a personal choice.
Bare skin (legs & arms) is very helpful to have a good grip on the pole for figures. If you have long hair, tie it up until you have enough practice to let them loose.
Burlesque, Exotic & Gogo require wearing High Heels.
There is a description with pictures on the booking page for outfit options.
Always have a bottle of water or sport drink with you. We do store some drinks in our fridge so if you forgot your drink just ask us.
No problem. It does help if you’ve danced before or done gymnastics for coordinations and body awareness.
But don’t worry if you don’t have any experience. The classes are structured in a way that allow for doing it in your own sweet time according to your fitness and ability.
Sure! All genders are very welcome in our classes.
In fact, men have more upper-body strength (well, most of them) so they can master some difficult figures very quickly.
A lot of Break Dancers do amazing things on a pole at first try.
Book the trial class for a level check!
The pole is made out of metal. When you first start, your strength isn't optimal and it happens that you bang against the pole and create bruises.
If this is the case, get Arnica (it’s a plant) in pills or cream at the pharmacy. It’s a natural medicine and it helps a lot to fade the color as well as the swelling.
Take it before and after training, even if you bang hard on the pole, you won’t get black and blue.
Most professionals use special grip products or alcohol (to wash your hands, not to drink of course!)
You can try out or buy some at the studio, just ask your trainer.
You should also avoid to use hand creams and body lotions on training days.
100% Alcohol on a towel, cloth or just plain kitchen paper towel is the best way. Don’t forget to dry it after cleaning.
DO NOT USE window cleaning products, because they contain a bit of oil (to avoid the windows get dirty too fast) and they make the pole slippery.
Nowadays, a lot of videos are available on Youtube, different Apps, DVDs and videos on demand.
If it's a tutorial, it can help you to get new moves or spins that your trainers may not think about (there are so many, it's possible to forget some in class). If it's just a performance or a competition video, it is not advisable to try new tricks without professional supervision. Even easy-looking tricks can bear a high risk if not executed correctly.
You are welcome to send us links of videos or moves which you like so we can practise it as soon as it meets your ability level.
And don’t forget to warm up when you’re training at home so to avoid strains and sprains.
Yes, like every sport if you have a cold or fever, please do not come to share it with the group. Stay at home and get better.
During the week of your period, you might sweat more and be pain-sensitive.
But it's not impossible to train, just a bit frustrating at times. Our teachers train as well during that time.
Do not eat or drink too much before training to simplify climbing and upside-down figures.
At the same time you shouldn’t go thirsty or hungry to avoid circulation problems.
Do not play on the pole while drunk! Apart from affecting your coordination it also lowers your inhibition level. You might take more risks than usual and wake up next morning not only hungover but even with broken bones!
No, it’s not. I even know a pole trainer, who is afraid of heights, but the pole is no problem for her. Anyway, during lessons there is supervision at all time, if you are scared of an exercise (I don’t think that will happen in the first levels) the trainer is around to spot you and help you.
We also have mats on the floor to cushion your landing.
It’s not recommended for two reasons: the 1st is that your skin gets more sensitive after UV, so sliding on a pole might be painful, the 2nd is that most people use cream or oil in solariums, which makes the skin and the pole slippery, and so you might not be able to do anything on it.
Not since April 2024 anymore.
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